Published: July 2, 2021
Stepping into the Past
It has been astronomically hot as of late and at times we are in desperate need of rain. The current weather has a lot of us looking towards the forecast in hopes of rain or a cold front. We are lucky that this information is readily available! Before the convenience of newspapers, tv, or the internet the topic of the weather was still on people’s minds. The go to for forecasts was the Farmer’s Almanac which was first published on July 11, 1792 by Robert Bailey Thomas. In 1848 this publication became known by the title The Old Farmer’s Almanac. It's America’s leading periodical that outsells and outlasts it's competition. In 2016, The Old Farmer’s Almanac celebrated its 225th anniversary and released its enhanced update logo and cover design. The Almanac is found to be traditionally 80% accurate. The formula Thomas created is still being used today and is kept safely tucked away in a black tin box in the Almanac office.

Steppingstone Farm Museum is operated by the Steppingstone Museum Association, Inc., a
private non-profit with a long term lease of the previous Paul farm property in Susquehanna State Park. This land is part of the Land of Promise tract from the first land survey in 1684. The museum was established in 1970 with the collections of Mr. J.E. Bull. After his passing in 1976, the museum moved to the Land of Promise in Susquehanna State Park. The museum demonstrates historic trades to the public from 11am-3pm on Saturdays and Sundays from
April-October. The office is open year-round from
9am-2pm Tuesday- Friday and the grounds are open to foot, paw, hoof, and bike traffic from 9am to sunset every day.
The museum offers many special events throughout the season, private and school tours, special programs, and site rentals. These programs, gift shop sales, grants, memberships, and private donations support the museum.
Board of Directors
Robert Thresher
Ron Querns
First Vice President
Teresa Stout
Second Vice President
Robert Thresher
(Acting) Treasurer
Wendy O'Steen
Josephine Bodt
John Stanley
Amanda Hickman
Mark Herman
Honorary Directors
Don Osman
Carolyn Smith
Museum Staff
Haley I. Miller
Executive Director
Katelyn Long​
Heather Uzdilla
Site Coordinator
Michael Carney
Maintenance Personnel
Season's Views

From the Desk of the Director
Haley I. Miller
Summer is in full swing and we are just 5 days from Summer Fun Day @ Steppingstone! I am excited to kick off this season with some fun and excitement at the Museum. The Museum Team hopes everyone had a great and safe Fourth of July. We hope to see you at our Summer Fun Day on July 11!

Steppingstone Wish List
The below items are needed at the museum. We will provide a donation letter for your tax deduction use.
Thank you for thinking of us!​
Our Amazon Wishlist can
be found by clicking
~Computer Hardware new or used

Steppingstone's Volunteer Corner
Thank you to all the Volunteers that have helped out at or with past events!
Amanda Hickman
Art Elsner
Bridget Graff
Dave Kauffman
Dawn Thresher
Emily Lempka
Gail Connolly
Ian Jones
James Pisciotta
Joe Cambria
John Hughes
John Stanely
Karen Whitlock
Kelly Landers
Kyle Hayward
Lou Kosydar
Madelyn Danner
Paul Leonard
Robert Thresher
Robert Worthington
Ron Querns
Russell Emery

Keep in Step with the Steppingstone
-The museum is now open on the weekends from 11 am - 3 pm.
- Summer Fun Day is
July 11, 11am - 4pm
-Next Volunteer Meeting is July 13, 6:30 pm in the Large Pavilion

@ The Museum

There is shelving in the Wheelwright Shop! Display coming soon.

All of our beloved benches have been stained red. The new color adds a nice touch to these special dedications.
The latest @ the Museum Store
The Museum Store is open for the season.
Hours are Sat./Sun. 11 am - 3 pm.
There is new merchandise available for purchase!

The Steppingstone Grind
With 23+ Buildings and 23 acres, the museum is more than what a team of 5 can handle. While we do our best to maintain the cleanliness of the property, we can always use help. The Grind is the place to find our chore list for the month. If you, or a group you belong to, would like to work on one of these projects please email Wanda, Museum Manager at wanda@steppingstonemuseum.org
Trim trees around and over coop
Replace or fix siding door (bottom rows)
Large Pavilion
Paint Picnic Tables
Wire brush, prime and paint front sign
Patch and paint window sills
Renail corner board and battens
The Happenings
Current or future affairs
Honey Extraction Demonstration
July 18, 2021 at 2pm in the Studio
The Susquehanna Beekeepers Association will be conducting a honey extraction demonstration for its members and Steppingstone Farm Museum visitors on 18 July 2021 at 2PM in the Studio building. Honey extraction is the process of separating the liquid honey from the wax comb. The equipment and tools will be shown. Try your hand at uncapping the honeycomb and cranking the extractor. Honey samples will be available.

Thank you Bernie Bodt for curating the current Exhibit at The Joesting-Gorsuch House. The Exhibit will be on display for a few months, make sure you visit the Grove!

New and Renewing Members
Jerry Burkins & Kelly Rye
Andrew Reile & Claudia Miller
Cannry Litchfield & Saige Ports
Eric Scheerer & Melissa Richardson
Kelly Herzing & James Fitzwater
Samantha Morter & Danney France
Megan Carrington & John Collins
Rachel Sacrey & Travis Dunaway
Kapri & Geoff Stafford
Sarah Hewitt & James Mast
Congratulations to our new wedding members:
Welcome to the Family
Ron & Shirley Querns
Tammie Heil
Sampson Family
Bernie &Jo Bodt
Alice A. Archer
Harry Dutcher
Lee & Janet Scarborough
Bryon Bodt
Craig Lake & Dawn Fischer
Alex Horneman
Deborah LaMar
Linda & Gerry Bullis
Robert & Katherine Worthington
John Stanley
Madelyn Danner
Lori Will
Gail Connolly
Jay DuBree
Mark Herman
Gerry Scarfe
Timothy Myers
Sandra Willis & William P. Smithson
Lilma Huntley
Jeneane McBride
Art Elsner
Mary Susan Osborn
Bill Livingston
Jeanette & Linus Young
Donald Greimel
Cathy Price
Delightful Discoveries

Many of you know we have rock walls throughout the property including some that have become over grown. This summer the Museum has been blessed with three interns. One of which has taken on clearing the wall in the front field. He has made some amazing progress in the past two months!
A glimpse back into time...
Image from this past month

When shopping on Amazon remember to use Amazon Smile and select Steppingstone Museum Association. Part of the proceeds will be donated to the museum.
Thank You for your support!
Please share with your friends
and tell them about
"Your Country Retreat"
Steppingstone Farm Museum educational programs and historic preservation supported by grants from: